【絕版】[冚唪唥粵文讀本] 8輯共40本精選套裝 (第1-5級) (免運)

【絕版】[冚唪唥粵文讀本] 8輯共40本精選套裝 (第1-5級) (免運)

HK hambaanglaang冚唪唥

On Sale $104.99 Regular price $149.99

內容簡介 影片介紹  【冚唪唥粵文讀本】8輯共40本精選套裝 (第1-5級) The Full Collection: 8 Sets/40 Books 喺呢個廣東話文化發光發熱嘅地方,我哋【冚唪唥粵文讀本】計畫,希望做到「取之社區,用之社區」,依賴眾人之力,傳承廣東話,以故仔書嘅方式,以及粵文故仔創作平台,發揚嶺南同亞洲文化。同時亦為香港各個族裔嘅小朋友、海外嘅港人家庭、同埋每一個學緊廣東話嘅人,提供有趣又循序漸進嘅學習資源。 In Hong Kong, where Cantonese and its resources thrive, Hambaanglaang Jyutman is pioneering a  “From the community, by the community” initiative. The power of the community to promote and inherit Cantonese and culture through...
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