9 Best Podcasts for Kids in 2023 9個兒童故事Podcast推薦
Posted by Jane Yang on
Podcasts with short children's stories in each episode are convenient for kids to listen to, and you don't have to worry about them losing patience. They can be enjoyed before bedtime, storytime, during car rides, mealtime, or while waiting.
Here are 9 Best Podcasts for Kids in 2023.
Options : Mandarin Chinese Storytime Podcasts
1. 從前從前 Once Upon A Time.

Come and listen to Auntie Fairy Tales as she tells stories, including various fairy tales, fables, and hilarious stories she's created herself. In addition to storytelling and role-playing, there's also animal sound imitation.
Rating: 4.4★
Update Time : 每週三 10:00 AM
Recent stories : 口袋神探:漫畫家失約之謎 (上集)、想當太空人的大象、古飛樂、口袋神探:雞飛飛失蹤案 (下集)
2. 豬探長推理故事集

Produced by the 如果 Kids Theatre Company, a renowned detective in the animal kingdom, he has solved numerous cases and now joins Pig Inspector in solving mysteries through deduction.
Rating: 4.5★
Update Time : 隔月更新
Recent stories : 人魚公主的復仇、雪地救援、尋找藍光兔
3. 媽爹講故事
華爸鳥媽 were once singers and YouTubers. Now, they are dedicated to creating children's stories. It all started because of their three children. Every day, the children would pester their parents to tell them stories. Mom and Dad decided to use their voices to accompany each child.
華爸鳥媽曾為歌手,Youtuber 到現在專注為孩子做兒童故事,講故事一開始是因為家裡的三個孩子,孩子每天纏爸媽給他們說故事,媽爹決定用聲音陪伴每個孩子。
Update Time : 每週更新
Recent stories : 史賓奇生悶氣、風到哪裡去了、蜉蝣的一天、小貓頭鷹的夜遊
4. GK爸爸原創故事繪本
The original IP character QQ Pig and the host sing in harmony. The show covers a diverse range of classic children's tales, everyday development, scientific knowledge, and self-identity. They interpret exciting storybooks with a unique personal style.
Update Time : 每週更新
Recent stories : 神仙企鵝爸爸、阿拉豬神燈、你怎麼那麼霸道、動物搖滾樂團
5. 我們家的睡前故事
A well-known parent-child reading recommended channel, it's fun, joyful, pleasant, and heartwarming. It's your first choice for bedtime stories with your children.
Update Time : 每週更新2次
Recent stories : 半神聆音丸、借物少女、神奇魔境、口袋神探二部曲
6. 佳佳老師說故事
Teacher Jia Jia, who loves telling stories to children. Stories you can listen to while traveling, during meals, before bedtime, and while waiting.
Update Time : 每週一更新
Recent stories : 三隻企鵝、小浣熊的帽子、以鵝傳鵝、大河馬嘴巴臭
7. 一起說故事
Telling stories is the best starting point for children to learn expression and logic. These are superbly produced audio dramas by professional scriptwriters and mixing teams!
Update Time : 每週五更新
Recent stories : 小魚金金去公園、波波的蝴蝶結、吃節日的怪獸、小麗與小草
8. 強哥為你說故事
Listen to 強哥 tell stories. We hope that with these enjoyable stories, we can accompany you as you grow up. Did your child ever like 水果奶奶? It's 強哥 who plays 水果奶奶!
Update Time : 每週三、日 晚上
Recent stories : 長鬚寶國奇遇記、麵粉村、獵人與大白象、聰明的國王
9. 欖仁媽媽說故事 Qlimama
Engage with international news, local stories from Taiwan, and various languages in a fun way. Enhance reading, expression, and creative skills suitable for children aged 4-10, making it perfect for parents and children to listen together.
Update Time : 每週五更新
Recent stories : 我的爸爸變小了、小滋恐龍圖鑑、淺談榮格個體化歷程、阿里嘎蓋
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