
Posted by Gloria's Bookstore on

【冚唪唥粵文讀本】8輯共40本精選套裝 (第1-5級)

The Full Collection: 8 Sets/40 Books


In Hong Kong, where Cantonese and its resources thrive, Hambaanglaang Jyutman is pioneering a  “From the community, by the community” initiative. The power of the community to promote and inherit Cantonese and culture through stories and play. We provide interesting and step-by-step learning resources for Native and Non-Native learners of Cantonese in Hong Kong and Overseas.


  • 廣東話故仔,零舍有共鳴,唔使由書面語「翻譯」成廣東話先講得到。

  • 首創「冚唪唥粵文分級系統」,參考教育局香港小學學習字詞表同埋大學廣東話研究,依照常用嘅字詞頻率而設計,循序漸進學習廣東話。

  • 首創「跳跳紮粵拼圖表」,輕鬆學習粵文點樣寫,同埋正確嘅廣東話讀音。

  • 配合網上YouTube影片同埋Soundcloud錄音,一邊睇書一邊聽真人廣東話發音。

  • 粵英語譯或粵英一書兩故,仲有書面中文版本。。

  • 故事嚟自社區創作,題材廣泛,仲有文化小知識,增加閱讀樂趣

This Full collection of Hambaanglaang Cantonese graded readers contains 8 sets (40 books) created by Hongkongers:

  • Written in Cantonese, you read what you speak. 

  • Based on the HBL Graded Scale, designed according to the frequency studies by universities and referenced from Lexical Items for Fundamental Chinese Learning (HKEDB)

  • Original Graphical Romanisation, learn to pronounce Cantonese visually and easily

  • Youtube and Soundcloud recordings, for reading and listening

  • Cantonese-English translation and  “Same images, different stories in Cantonese and English”

  • A wide variety of stories created by the community, cultural introduction included enhancing the joy of reading.



This project needs your support to sustain and create a world of free Cantonese learning resources. Please buy our books to share with friends and family. A popular purchase.

Buy Now:https://reurl.cc/1ZZAkY

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