⛱夏日閱讀季 Summer Reading Program 🍹
❖活動辦法❖ 很簡單,it is easy:
step 1: 只要社團活動文章下sign up, 讓我們知道有哪些人有興趣參加
-> https://reurl.cc/O31mA
step 2: 下載我們的reading log, 然後 就可以開始進行16本書的挑戰!( simple and easy!)
-> https://reurl.cc/Dk9qQ
step 3: 在活動期間 (即日起~8/31之間),在社團內分享一則或以上 共讀分享文,可以影片,可以照片,文字都不限制。
step 4: 持續完成reading log ,在8/15~8/
How to join:
step 1: Sign up here to let us know who is going to do the Chinese reading challenge !!
-> https://reurl.cc/O31mA
step 2: Download the reading log and start to complete reading 16 books (from now to 8/31)
-> https://reurl.cc/Dk9qQ
step 3: Share 1 cooperating reading video or pictures, any type of sharing is encouraged!
step 4: Continue completing the reading log, and upload your completed log to the group during 8/15~8/31 . Awesome! you get a Free Chinese picture book! ( me random select)